Combo 2 + 1 Hiking in KKB

 Another fun filled and exhausting day out hiking in KKB. This time we went up to Bukit Batu Pahat with a short stop at Bukit Batu Belah along the way, and followed by another hike to Cherandong Waterfall and finally for some Instagram stop at Alor Lempah also at KKB
As usual, our morning stop is at Serendah for some breakfast and lunch "Ta Pau". I took the opportunity to walk around a bit and was surprised to see an interestingly busy market just by the road side. After we settled our purchases we were on our way to our little adventure......

First Stop - Bukit Batu Pahat & Bukit Batu Belah
There are several ways to hike up to Bukit Batu Pahat & Bukit Batu Belah. The easier but longer way is via MRSM where there is a proper dirt road leading all the way up, frequently used by paragliders to the summit. However, we took the shorter but steeper trail, away from all vehicles and whatnot vehicles!! 😁😁😁😁
The trail head is next to an Indian Temple (Sri Muneeswarar Veerapathra) and it's properly marked. Parking is just opposite the temple along the road

The start of the trail head (left) and the adventurous hikers (below) ready to tackle the steep climb up to Bukit Batu Pahat & Bukit Batu Belah

From the trail head it was an up....up...up...hike all the way to the top with some serious stretching require to tackle a few near enough vertical slopes. The trail is quite well laid out and clear, no need to worry about getting lost or going off trail. 

Along the way you can see some interesting trees and flora as well
The steep slopes along the way (left) and another (below). At some parts of the way there's rope to assist in your climb, well secured and safe

All in all it took us about 45 mins to reach Bukit Batu Belah and we took a short break for some photo shoot plus enjoy the magnificent view of the surrounding areas.

                                                     View from Bukit Batu Belah

The split in the rock, hence the name of the place

A warning sign about a snake's nest around Bukit Batu Belah. 
There's plenty of rest area at the place and even a rock for some good photos

After a short break, it's just another 10 to 15 mins hike up to Bukit Batu Pahat. At the summit, we were fortunate to see some paragliders in action. This place is also home to the KKB Paragliders Club. You can book them for a tandem flight as well.

The view from the summit of Bukit Batu Pahat

We have arrived at the summit of Bukit Batu Pahat. All in all with the stops and photo shoot, it took us about an hour to reach 

The paragliders day out

After a short break for brunch and coffee, the hike down was faster and we were off to another hiking adventure just a few minutes away from this place......

Next Stop - Cherandong Waterfall
A short drive from where we were, you can continue hiking to Cherandong Waterfalls. You can opt to walk from the main road or drive in up to a certain point and take a short hike towards the falls. 
You practically walk along Sungei Selangor, hearing the refreshing sound of water from the rapids from time to time. This is also the same river which you can go for white water rafting as well
You can choose to park your car by the main road to walk in (a bit longer walk albeit an easy and flat terrain) or take a risk to drive all the way in for a shorter walk 

An easy walk along Sungei Selangor with some camp sites along the way (below)

Closer to the falls you will come across a fork road.....the easy and wide road is on the right side where it'll take you to the falls but you need to branch off half way. However we chose the left route along the river meandering our way pass some slippery rocks and streams..... Well you can say that we wanted some kick out of our hike....and you will arrive at the magnificent  Cherandong falls 
Some history about the dam....
In July 1883, Cecil Ranking, a young man of 26, started work as Tax Collector and Magistrate and he immediately got down to serious work wanting to show his capabilities to impress the Resident. However, his work was cut short because three months later, on the fateful evening of 29 October 1883, the huge dam broke and flooded the town. It was recorded that floodwaters rose as high as 10 feet; 38 houses were destroyed and 50 people perished, including Cecil Ranking. Local legend has it that Cecil Ranking had on that day, shot a sacred white crocodile believed to be the guardian of the dam. As a result, the dam broke. However, there were other factors more likely to have caused the tragedy.

1. The dam was more than 100 years old and the wood was already rotting away.
2. Cecil Ranking was seen dropping three dynamites on the dam ten days before the tragedy      for the purpose of killing fish and this action could have shaken the foundations of the             dam.
3. It was raining non-stop few days before the flood.
4. It may be linked to the Krakatoa volcanic eruption on 26 and 27 August 1883 in Indonesia.
    The tremor was felt in Kuala Kubu. It was to be one of the deadliest and destructive              volcanic events in recorded history.

There are other smaller falls within Cherandong and you just need to explore once you're there.


An interesting of the larger species of millipedes 
After 2 hikes it was a good to refresh at the falls and soak in the cool stream to refresh your body. It was soon time to bid farewell to our combo trip and onward to our next stop

Bonus Stop - Alor Lempah
Not much has been written about this place except that this is a man made weir (I suppose dated back to colonial days) to help with the water flow along Sungei Selangor. Over the weekends I understand that locals do come here for R & R and picnics. When we were there there were some children playing in the river. There are huts and sitting places where you can relax..... 

To get to this place, once you come to from the main road from Cherandong Waterfalls, just drive across to the other side along the river and you will arrive at this place.

Overall a good day out and thoroughly enjoyed myself....... 

Take nothing but Photos......Leave nothing but Footsteps....
Nature is our Heritage...Treasure It
