Another Hiking Weekend - Gunung Chenuang

 Another hiking weekend, this time up Gunung Chenuang. It was a bright sunny morning when the troop gathered, all excited for a hike up the mountain. However, we were slightly delayed by the late arrival of the park staff to open the gates. 
The initial walk was a simple on the road terrain right up to the trail head. the park was in a sad state as most of the playground equipment, chalets, public toilets were in dilapidated state, it's a pity when you have such wonderful parks only to be left to rot!!!!  

The Main Entrance to the Park and below, the rusted and damaged playground equipment

The unkept and rundown chalet

From the trail head we started our ascend almost immediately only to encounter a totally blocked trail of fallen trees and bamboo. Hence with the trusted GPS, managed to find an alternative trail, a much less travelled trail (probably an old one before the current trail). Crossing several stream, we came across some interesting sights and small waterfalls. One of the downside of this trail is that it's full of leeches and made worse by the fact that it's rainy season

One of the rare spotting during our hike was a live tortoise.... was looking hard to see if there were numbers on it's hard shell...... Who knows...
Indeed a rare find ........πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

And another giant centipede moving slowly...

Mushrooms galore, all along the trail....

Some plant species and their fruits....

More fungus and mushroom species

After a hard fought trail finding battle, we manage to link back to the original route to continue to the peak. Towards the end of the trail, we encountered some steep slopes that needed us to stretch to the max..... phew but it was worth the stretch and made it to the top...... FINALLY !!!! Amazing view of KL albeit a bit hazy!!!!



The hazy view of  KL and UFO cloud

Instead of descending the way we came up, decided to complete the loop. At the Y junction there is another hill you can climb as well but on hearing the thunder and looking at time, we decided to skip this challenge and continue to descend, a smart choice......
Shortly, the clouds open up in all its glory.......!!!!! we were drenched on the way down and at some parts of the trail it was like a small stream flowing..... Half way through, part of the trail disappeared because of land slide but we managed to cross the slope....phew !!!
And the whole team made it down safely to the car park late in the evening.....


The start of the hike....all eager and ready                 The satisfaction of reaching the peak.....

Some lessons learnt:
1. Always be prepared for change of weather, bring ponchos, torchlights and keep spare food in case
    you are caught in the storm
2. Always bring a navigation equipment in case you get stuck or unsure of the route
    3. Make sure your phone is fully charged and if you are recording your hike, make sure you have
        a power bank to charge your phone
    4. Be prepared for leeches.
